Thursday, November 10, 2016

80 prescient years ago

When I was growing up in Iowa, I was fascinated by one of my mother's books, always there on the living room book shelf.  Written in 1936 by Sinclair Lewis, it was "It Can't Happen Here"--maybe in Europe where Fascism/Nazism were on the rise, but not here.  Not here until "Buzz" Waldrip runs for and wins the Presidency on a nativist, populist platform.  After an initial year or so of waning enthusiasm for Waldrip's series of failed promises, the country begins to disintegrate.  Americans flee to Mexico which Waldrip has singled out for attack during his campaign, as well as to Canada.  By the time the book ends, the country is in civil war.

Despite months of reservations, I had convinced myself by Tuesday night, that HRC was going to win.  I didn't even think it would be close.  And then I sat masochistically for four hours and watched as state after state went for Trump with pundits suggesting less and less realistic ways Hillary could still win the state.  What has happened to America after 17 months of pathological lying, misogyny, insults, admission of not paying taxes for two decades, boasting of sexual assaults...the list is almost endless that we elect a man like Trump as President?  What will happen with the Supreme Court, with the Paris climate agreement, with the nuclear treaty with Iran?  It can't happen here, eh?

Yesterday was the regular six-week visit to see Dr. Hashmi.  The cancer center was quite crowded and rather depressing.  Nothing much had changed.  Although I still have constant pain somewhat managed by the morphine and/or Percocet, his tack this visit was, "It's not ideal, but it's working."  Yes, the treatment for six years of kidney cancer has been keeping everything stable.  I wouldn't mind something a bit closer to the ideal--a little less pain, a few fewer grunts as I stand or sit.  I think I'll have to continue, however, with the present regimen.

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