Saturday, October 29, 2016

10//30/16 (expanded)

A whole month of silence--mainly because everything has remained pretty much the same.  The nausea comes and goes; the diarrhea comes and goes.   Some days I have an appetite; others the look or smell of food is nauseating.  Meanwhile, various parts of body scream out in pain, though there isn't any clear-cut pattern, and what hurts one day or refuses to function, is back in service the next.  There haven't been any appointments with the doctor, and there aren't any scheduled till the 9th of November.

Today--and most of the week--my appetite has been virtually nil, a fact that scares Mohamed, who continues to do more for me than anyone could expect.  Today the part of my body that isn't functioning is a muscle (I hope) on the right side of my lower back.  I'm not twisting the night away.

My old friend from graduate school, Darrell, and his wife, Joanne, live in the Pacific Northwest and took pity on me, sending a couple of dozen of oysters, which always give me an appetite.  Oysters are best when raw, of course, but given my compromised immune system, that's not a great idea, so we just steam them in some wine and shallots, and when they open, I start eating before Mohamed can keep up. 

Have we ever been so eager (and anxious) to get an election over?  It's partly that every time we think we have some breathing room, something new is divulged about Hillary.  And it's also because there's been not a moment of pleasure in the course of the campaign.  In Kansas, there is very little television advertising, since the Republicans are pretty much shoo-ins for most offices.  The really scary advertising concerns the Kansas Supreme Court, which has been the bête noir of Governor Brownback, especially concerning his constant attempts to cut the budget for education.  Most of the justices, left over from the Democrat Kathleen Sebelius and moderate Republican Bill Graves, refuse to cooperate with Brownback's shameful cuts.  Now there is a much-played ad implying, falsely, that the five justices who are up for retention have taken the side of murderers and rapists in overturning their convictions.  The Supreme Court is the last line of defense against Brownback's power grab and it would be a disaster if these five are turned out of office.

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