Thursday, September 29, 2016


Yesterday was the regularly scheduled, three-month visit to the oncologist, though with some additional twists given recent developments.

There was a the blood draw, the consultation, and the three-month, very expensive bone-strengthening shot (Xgeva, a stronger version of Prolia, the drug that Blythe Danner advertises).  By the time we went to the appointment, my left side was in so much pain that I could barely walk.  I used my walker, but it's oversized, since it had to accommodate the abduction brace when I first got it five years ago, and since I'm not the most graceful or adroit person around, it is forever banging into door frames or getting caught in carpeting, making getting around with the walker probably more hazardous than doing without.

The results of Monday's CT scan were all good.  As far as anything related to my cancer, nothing has changed.  Given the stability, I'll continue with the same chemo and with the same schedule (three weeks on, one week off) of taking it. 

As far as the consequences of the chemo and perhaps of other medications--diarrhea, nausea, lack of appetite--we'll just continue to play around with anti-diarrheal, anti-nausea, and appetite-enhancing meds, hoping that we can eventually find a combination that's tolerable.

But the pains, first in the right leg, then in the right hip, and now in the left buttock, remain unexplained.  By the end of the consultation, after the walking from one end of the cancer center to the other and back again, I was in more pain than I had suffered in a long time.  For the moment, we'll just try to manage the pain, back again on extended release morphine with as-needed Percocet.  Last night, the combination worked fairly well, and though I wasn't pain free, the evening was fairly relaxed.  Now we'll hope that as with the earlier incidences, this pain will eventually diminish.

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